Practice Python Lists with Students data
Practice Python Lists with Students data Data Science Project
Python Collections

Practice Python Lists with Students data

The objective of this project is to practice your Python list handling skills, including: adding and removing elements, combining lists, using membership operations and, most importantly, iterating them. We'll use a dataset containing a nested list of students data.
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Practice Python Lists with Students dataPractice Python Lists with Students data
Project Created by

Anurag Verma

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Find the Index of `Pi` in a Given List

Assume that you are compiling a list of mathematical constants, and you decide to represent all of them in a Python list, following this structure:

maths_constants = [['name of constant', 'numeric value'],
                   ['name of constant', 'numeric value'],
                   ['name of constant', 'numeric value'],

As exemplified in the list maths_constants. However, upon review, you realize that you missed the value of Pi.

Let's address this by first identifying its prospective index if it were included in the list, considering the alternating pattern of string constants and their numeric values.

Store the index in the variable index_pi.


Insert the value `3.1416` after name `Pi` in list of `maths_constants`.

As you have found the index of the Pi, now you have to insert the value after the name Pi in the list.

Your final complete list for mathematical constants including the value of Pi should be in the variable maths_constants.

Input the value of Pi as 3.1416(in float)


Extend the list by adding all the elements from the given string

Add all the characters of our even_string to the end of our list odd_list.

[!] Important: 1. Do Not Use Loops and if else statements. 2. Add each character of the string, not the whole string.

After extending, the final result will be: [99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, '2', '4', '6', '8', '9']


Remove the last element from the list `odd_list`

As our odd_list = [99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, '2', '4', '6', '8', '9'], we need to remove '9'.


How many students are there in our dataset `student_list`

The composition of our dataset student_list:

[['name', 'student_id', 'age','grade','subject'],
['name', 'student_id', 'age','grade','subject'],

What's the name of the 400th student in our `student_list`

Your task is to identify the name of the 400th student in our dataset. Each element in the dataset is a list of five items:

['name', 'student_id', 'age', 'grade', 'subject'],
['name', 'student_id', 'age', 'grade', 'subject'],
... among others...

Example of input: Alex


Check the correct age and subject of our student at 273rd index

Select the correct age and subject of our student at 273rd index.


Put the students from the index 98 to 214 into the list `select_student`

Create a list select_student and store the students from the index 98 to 214 into it.

Make sure to not change the order of the students.


Find the `name, age, grade, subject` of the last student from our `select_student` list.

From previous activity we have the list select_student which contains the students from the index 98 to 214. Now we need to find the name, age, grade, subject of the last student from our select_student list. Store the values in the variables name, age, grade, subject respectively.


Get the age of each student and store it in the list `students_age`

Convert the ages into int as currently they are type str (string).

Loop through the list student_list, access the age, cast it to int and append it to the new list variable students_age.


What is the average age of the students

Use the list students_age created in the previous activity and find the average age of the students.

Average/mean Age is defined as sum of age of all the students divided by the number of students.


How many students have `History` as their subject, how many have `English` and how many have `Math`

Iterate through the list student_list and check for each of these subjects, incrementing each time the variable for the corresponding subject and store the result in the variables history_lovers, english_lovers and maths_lovers respectively.

We assume that, in the list student_list, any particular student can have multiple subjects and also have multiple grades in same subject. Hence, we count that student only once. For example, if a student has History as one of the subjects and has A grade in History as well as B grade in History, we count that student only once.


Separate all `A` graders and all `B` graders from the list `student_list`

Create two lists a_graders and b_graders with the name, age, grade and favorite subject of the students. Put students with A grades to the list a_graders and students with B graders to the list b_graders

Expected output for a_graders:

[['Luna', '18', 'A', 'English'],
 ['Anthony', '18', 'A', 'Math'],
 ['Bella', '17', 'A', 'History'],
 ['Lucy', '17', 'A', 'History'],
 ['Brooklyn', '18', 'A', 'History'],
 ['Ava', '18', 'A', 'Art'],
 ['Riley', '17', 'A', 'Math'],

Find the grade of a particular student.

Find the grade of student with name Isaac and age 16 and subject Science.

Enter your answer in the input box below.


How many students are there whose name starts with the letter `S`.

How many students are there whose name starts with the letter S in the list student_list?

There are multiple students with the same name in the list student_list. You should count each student only once. Use student id to identify different students.


How many students are under 17

How many students are under 17 in the list student_list?

There are multiple students with the same name in the list student_list. You should count each student only once. Use student id to identify different students.


What is the minimum & maximum age of the students

Input Example: Min: 20, Max: 29.


Remove the student from the list `student_list`.

Remove the student whose name is Luna, age is 18, grade is E and subject is Geography from the list student_list. If there are multiple students with the same name, age, grade and subject, remove all of them.


Count the number of occurrence of the student in the `student_list`

Count the number of occurrence of the student whose name is Luna and age is 16 in the list student_list. If there are multiple students with the same name and age, count all of them.

Practice Python Lists with Students dataPractice Python Lists with Students data
Project Created by

Anurag Verma

What's up, friends! 👋 I'm a computer science student about to finish my last year of college. 🎓 I LOVE writing code! ❤️ It makes me so happy! 😄 Whether I'm goofing in notebooks 📓 or coding in Python 🐍, writing programs is a blast! 💥

What's up, friends! 👋 I'm a computer science student about to finish my last year of college. 🎓 I LOVE writing code! ❤️ It makes me so happy! 😄 Whether I'm goofing in notebooks 📓 or coding in Python 🐍, writing programs is a blast! 💥

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