Bash foundations for Data Scientists
Bash foundations for Data Scientists Data Science Project
Data Science Tools

Bash foundations for Data Scientists

This project will guide you through the foundations of Bash, a CRUCIAL tool for any Data Scientist. You'll learn how to navigate the console in *nix environments, browse files and much more.
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Bash foundations for Data ScientistsBash foundations for Data Scientists
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


What's the full path of the current directory?

As soon as you turn on your lab, your bash will start in a given directory. What's the full path of that directory?


How many directories are in the current path?

Assuming you're still in /app, how many directories do you see in the current path? You can ignore . and ...


How many **CSV** files are in the `data/` directory?

Count only the files with a .csv extension.


How many hidden files are in the `data/` directory?


How many lines does the file `data/Electricity1970.csv` have?

How many total lines does the file have? Considering header + data. Total number of lines.


What's the ID of the second to last row in the `data/Electricity1970.csv` file?

The data/Electricity1970.csv file contains "Cost Function of Electricity Producers in 1970" (see docs). The first column of the dataset is the ID of the sample.

What is the ID (numeric, integer) of the second to last row?


Create a directory named `my-data` inside `/app`

Create an empty directory named my-data inside the /app dir.


Create a file named `sales.csv` inside the `my-data` directory.

Create a file named sales.csv inside the my-data directory that you have previously created. The sales.csv file should contain only one line:


Delete the file `data/current_senators.json`


Move the JSON file in the `scripts/` directory back to data

There's a .json file incorrectly located in the scripts/ directory; move it back to the data/ directory. Don't change it, and make sure you're MOVING it (that means, the file no longer will be located in the scripts/ dir).


Duplicate the `Electricity1970.csv` file

Duplicate the file data/Electricity1970.csv into the new file data/Electricity1970-copy.csv


What's the content of the Environment Variable `SECRET_PASSWORD`


Create a symlink in `/app` that points to `data/Electricity1970.csv`

Create a symlink in /app that points to data/Electricity1970.csv. The symlink should have the same name (Electricity1970.csv) but be located in /app.

Bash foundations for Data ScientistsBash foundations for Data Scientists
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

This project is part of

Data Science Tools

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