Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz
Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz  Data Science Project
Data Wrangling with Pandas

Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz

Dive into mastering merging and joining dataframes with pandas through this comprehensive knowledge test. You'll tackle key concepts, refine your syntax skills, and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.This test will solidify your understanding and showcase your expertise in data merging techniques. Good luck!
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Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Which of the following combinations is `NOT valid` when merging dataframes?


When performing a `left join` between two dataframes, which rows are included in the resulting dataframe?


Which type of merge includes all rows from both dataframes and fills missing values with `NaN`?


What is the purpose of the indicator parameter in the `pd.merge()` function?


When merging two dataframes using an `inner join`, under what circumstances would you expect to see repeated values in the resulting merged dataframe?


What is the difference between `merging on indices` and `merging on columns`?


What is the result of performing an `inner join` on two dataframes with `no common values`?


In pandas, what is the function used to join two dataframes based on their indexes?


Which parameter of the `pd.merge()` function is used to indicate that the merge operation should be performed based on the index values of the dataframes?


Which parameter of the `pd.merge()` function is used to sort the join keys lexicographically in the resulting DataFrame?


To merge two dataframes `df1` and `df2` on a column named `key`, which line of code is correct?


Which line of code should be used to create a cartesian product from two dataframes, while preserving the order of the left keys?


Which merge operation should you use to achieve this result?

Suppose you have two dataframes, students and grades, with the following structures:

The students Dataframe:
student_id name age
0 1 John Smith 18
1 2 Jane Doe 17
2 3 Sarah Dane 16
The grades Dataframe:
student_id subject grade
0 1 Math A
1 2 Science B
2 4 English C

You want to merge the two dataframes to get the following result:

student_id name age subject grade
0 1 John Smith 18 Math A
1 2 Jane Doe 17 Science B

Which merge operation should you use to achieve this result?

Suppose you have two dataframes, employees and departments, with the following structures:

The employees Dataframe:
employee_id name department_id
0 1 John Smith 3
1 2 Jane Doe 2
2 3 Sarah Dane 3
3 4 Joe Martin 5
The departments Dataframe:
department_id department_name
0 2 Sales
1 3 Marketing
2 4 Finance

You want to merge the two dataframes to get the following result:

employee_id name department_id department_name
0 1 John Smith 3 Marketing
1 3 Sarah Dane 3 Marketing
2 2 Jane Doe 2 Sales
3 4 Joe Martin 5 nan
4 nan nan 4 Finance

Which merge operation should you use to achieve this result?

Suppose you have two dataframes, df1 and df2, with the following structures:

The df1 Dataframe:
0 foo
1 bar
The df2 Dataframe:
0 7
1 8

You want to merge the two dataframes to get the following result:

left right
0 foo 7
1 foo 8
2 bar 7
3 bar 8

Which merge operation should you use to achieve this result?

Suppose you have two dataframes, df1 and df2, with the following structures:

The df1 Dataframe:
ID Value1
0 2 100
1 3 200
2 1 300
The df2 Dataframe:
ID Value2
0 3 400
1 2 500
2 1 600

You want to merge the two dataframes to get the following result:

ID Value1 Value2
0 1 300 600
1 2 100 500
2 3 200 400
Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz Pandas DataFrame Merge and Join Quiz
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

This project is part of

Data Wrangling with Pandas

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