Exploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series Analysis
Exploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series Analysis Data Science Project
Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

Exploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series Analysis

Explore the world of data science salaries using Pandas Series! This project offers hands-on activities to master Series basics while analyzing real job market data. Perfect for beginners, you'll learn to manipulate, analyze, and gain insights from salary information. Ready to boost your Pandas skills? Let's dive in!
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Exploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series AnalysisExploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series Analysis
Project Created by

Lohith Unnam

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Which method is used to display basic information about a pandas series?


Assign the `employee_residence` column to the `employee_residence_series` variable as a Series.


Create a Series from the `experience_level` column and store the first 10 elements in the `experience_level_series_10` variable.


What does the `len()` function return when applied to a Series?


Find the unique values in `company_size_series` along with their counts, and store the results in the `company_size_series_counts` variable.


Which method calculates the average value of a Series?


Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of `salary_usd_series`, and store these values as a Series in the `salary_details` variable.

In this task, you need to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the salary_in_usd_series. Once you have computed these statistics, you should store them in a new Series salary_details. Make sure to set the index of this Series to Mean, Median, Standard Deviation respectively.


What method would you use to count unique values in a Series?


Identify the top 5 most frequent job titles and store them in the `top_5_job_titles` variable.


Which method would you use to find the most frequent value in a Series?


Calculate the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of `salary_usd_series` and store these values as a Series in the `salary_quartiles` variable.

In this task, you are required to calculate the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the salary_in_usd_series. After computing these percentiles, store them in a new Series salary_quartiles variable. Ensure that the index of this Series is set to 25th Percentile, 50th Percentile, 75th Percentile as specified.


Which method is used to apply a function to every element in a Series?


Create a new Series, `increased_salary`, by applying a 10% increase to each salary in the `salary_usd_series Series`.


What does the operation series1 > series2 return?


Compare the `increased_salary` Series with the `salary_in_usd_series` element-wise to check for equality.

Store the resultant boolean series in a new Series called salary_compare_series.

Exploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series AnalysisExploring Data Science Salaries: A Pandas Series Analysis
Project Created by

Lohith Unnam

This project is part of

Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

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