DataFrames practice: working with English Words
DataFrames practice: working with English Words Data Science Project
Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

DataFrames practice: working with English Words

In this project you'll use several skills related to DataFrames to create new columns, analyze a DataFrame and answer questions about the dataset we're using: a huge list of words of the English Language.
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DataFrames practice: working with English WordsDataFrames practice: working with English Words
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


How many elements does this dataframe have?

Basically, how many words have we read from the file?


What is the value of the word `microspectrophotometries`?


What is the highest possible value of a word?


Which of the following words have a Char Count of `7` and a Value of `87` ?


What is the highest possible length of a word?


What is the word with the value of `319`?

The word microspectrophotometries is the only word with a value of 317. Find the only word with a value of 319:


What is the most common value?

There are 1921 words with a value of 100, making it the second most common letter sum. What value is most common?


What is the shortest word with value `274`?


Create a column `Ratio` which represents the 'Value Ratio' of a word

The "Value Ratio" of a word is defined as the Value of a word divided by its length. That is: ValueRatio(word) = Value(word) / len(word).

Create a new column in your DataFrame named Ratio that contains such computation.


What is the maximum value of `Ratio`?


What word is the one with the highest `Ratio`?

In the previous activity you compute the maximum Ratio. Now answer, which word has such Ratio?


How many words have a `Ratio` of `10`?


What is the maximum `Value` of all the words with a `Ratio` of `10`?


Of those words with a `Value` of `260`, what is the lowest `Char Count` found?


Based on the previous task, what word is it?

What word has a Value of 260 and has the lowest Char Count?

DataFrames practice: working with English WordsDataFrames practice: working with English Words
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

This project is part of

Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

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