Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas
Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas  Data Science Project
Data Wrangling with Pandas

Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas

This capstone project analyzes online food ordering trends through a detailed dataset, enhancing your pandas skills in data grouping, concatenation, and transformation. Explore the impact of demographic factors like gender and education on food preferences and uncover key consumer insights in the digital food market.
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Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Average age by gender

Group the dataset by Gender and calculate the average Age for each gender group. This will help you understand the average age of male and female customers.

Enter the average age of Female in exact decimals returned.


Ordering trends by marital status

Group the dataset by Marital Status and count the frequency of orders where Output is Yes. This will help you identify how marital status affects ordering trends.

Store the result in the orders_by_marital_status variable.

The result should match the following output :



Occupation and order patterns

Group the dataset by Occupation and count the frequency of orders where Output is "Yes". This analysis will show which occupations order more frequently.

Store the result in the orders_by_occupation variable.

The result should match the following output :



Educational impact on orders

Group the dataset by Educational Qualifications and count the number of orders where Output is "Yes".

Use groupby followed by size to count occurrences, then reset_index to convert the groupby result into a DataFrame, facilitating easier analysis and visualization.

This will help you determine if education level affects ordering behavior.

Store the result in the orders_by_education variable

The result should match the following output :



Family size ordering trends

Group the dataset by Family size and count the number of orders where Output is "Yes". This will help you understand if larger families order more frequently.

Store the result in the orders_by_family_size variable.

The result should match the following output :



Which of the following functions is commonly used in combination with the `groupby` method in pandas to calculate summary statistics for grouped data?


Concatenate data by gender

Split the dataset into subsets based on Gender (Male and Female) and later concatenate them to compare findings between genders.

Store the result in the concatenated_data variable.

The result should match the following output :



Concatenate data by income

Split the dataset into subsets based on No Income and Below Rs.10000 from the Monthly Income column, then concatenate them.

After concatenation, reset the index using reset_index(drop=True) to ensure the index is continuous and without duplicates.

Store the result in the concatenated_data_income variable.

The result should match the following output :



Merge feedback analysis

Split the Feedback data into Positive and Negative subsets, merge these analyses on Occupation to get a comprehensive view of customer sentiments.

After grouping by Occupation, use reset_index to convert the indices into columns, and specify the column name for the count of feedback using name='Positive' for positive feedback and name='Negative' for negative feedback.

Note: It is 'Negative ' and not Negative. In the dataset there is space after the word the Negative.

Store the result in the merged_feedback variable.

The result should match the following output :



Concatenate by Educational Qualifications

Split the dataset into subsets based on Post_Graduate, Graduate and Ph.D from the Educational Qualifications column, then concatenate them.

After concatenation, reset the index using reset_index(drop=True) to ensure the index is continuous and without duplicates.

Store the result in the concatenated_education_data variable.

The result should match the following output :



Concatenate data by family size

Split the dataset into subsets based on Family size (1-2, 3-4, and 5 or more) and later concatenate them to analyze the effect of family size on feedback.

Store the result in the concatenated_family_size_data variable.

The result should match the following output:



When concatenating DataFrames in pandas, which parameter ensures that the indices are reset in the resulting DataFrame?


Uppercase transformation for occupation

Use the applymap function to convert all entries in the Occupation column to uppercase to standardize the data.

Store the result in the df DataFrame with a new column Occupation Uppercase.

The result should match the following output :



Filter orders with high family size

Use the where function to identify orders from families with a size greater than 4. This will help in targeting larger families for marketing campaigns.

Use notna() method to remove NAN values created by where.

Store the result in the large_family_orders variable.

The result should match the following output :



Extract insights from coordinates

Apply a custom function to derive geographical insights based on latitude and longitude. This will help in understanding the geographical distribution of orders.

Use the pandas apply method to apply this function across the DataFrame. The apply method should be used with axis=1, which ensures that the function is applied to each row individually.

Store the result in the df DataFrame with a new column Location Insights.

The result should match the following output :



Generate Dummies for Marital Status

Convert the Marital Status column into dummy variables for regression or classification analysis. This will help in predictive modeling.

Store the result in the marital_status_dummies variable.

The result should match the following output :



Occupational Dummies

Convert the Occupation column into dummy variables for analysis of occupational impacts on ordering habits. This will facilitate regression analysis.

Store the result in the occupation_dummies variable.

The result should match the following output :



In pandas, what is the primary purpose of the `cut` function?


Student ordering insights

Filter the dataset to include where occupation is Student with No Income to analyze their ordering patterns. This will help in understanding the behavior of student customers.

Store the result in the student_orders variable.

The result should match the following output :



Educational level and Feedback analysis

Group by Educational Qualifications and Feedback to assess if different educational qualifications correlate with specific types of feedback. This will help in understanding how education level influences customer satisfaction.

Enter the number of Positive and Negative feedbacks for Educational Qualifications : Graduate.

Note: Enter in comma seperated format, for example : 154, 20


Family size and Ordering frequency

Examine if there’s a direct correlation between the size of the family and the frequency of orders.

Group the dataset by Family size and count the frequency of orders where Output is Yes.

Store the result in the family_size_order_frequency variable.

The result should match the following output :


Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas Wrangling Online Food Ordering Data using Pandas
Project Created by

Vidhi Shah

This project is part of

Data Wrangling with Pandas

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