Series Practice with S&P Companies' Market Cap
Series Practice with S&P Companies' Market Cap Data Science Project
Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

Series Practice with S&P Companies' Market Cap

Practice the basics and fundamental concepts of pandas Series with a project that analyzes the Market Cap of different S&P 500 companies. Learn about the main Series attributes and statistical methods.
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Series Practice with S&P Companies' Market CapSeries Practice with S&P Companies' Market Cap
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

Project Activities

All our Data Science projects include bite-sized activities to test your knowledge and practice in an environment with constant feedback.

All our activities include solutions with explanations on how they work and why we chose them.


Name of the `market_cap` Series

What's the name of the series contained in the market_cap variable?


Name of the `symbols` Series

What's the name of the series contained in the symbols variable?


What's the dtype of `market_cap`

What's the dtype of the series contained in the market_cap variable?


What's the dtype of `symbols`

What's the dtype of the series contained in the symbols variable?


How many elements do the series have?

How many elements both series contain?


What's the minimum value for Market Cap?


What's the maximum value for Market Cap?


What's the average Market Cap?

Find the average value for Market Cap, and enter it WITHOUT decimals. Just the integer number (if you find the average is 1948.88, just enter 1948).


What's the median Market Cap?

Find the median value for Market Cap, and enter it WITHOUT decimals. Just the integer number (if you find the median is 1948.0, just enter 1948).


What's the symbol of `Oracle Corp.`?


What's the Market Cap of `Oracle Corp.`?


What's the Market Cap of `Wal-Mart Stores`?


What's the symbol of the *129th* company?


What's the Market Cap of the 88th company in `symbols`?

Warning! The companies might be out of order... so the 88th company in symbols might not be the same as the 88th one in market_cap. We need you to find the 88th company in symbols first, and then the the Market Cap from market_cap for that particular symbol.


Create a new series only with FAANG Stocks

There's a common term in investing (and in tech) which is FAANG companies. This refers to "big tech" companies by their acronyms. For example, FAANG means the following companies: Facebook Apple Amazon Netflix and Google (read more about FAANG and Big Tech in Wikipedia).

Your task is to create a new series, under the variable faang_market_cap, containing the market cap of the following companies:

  • Inc
  • Apple Inc.
  • Microsoft Corp.
  • Alphabet Inc Class A (this is Google's main stock)
  • Facebook, Inc.
  • Netflix Inc.

Important! The stocks must be in THIS order. You will need to find the Symbols of the companies first.

Also important, as stated above, you MUST create a variable containing your new series. Your code should look something like:

faang_market_cap = ... # your code

There's a way to combine everything in a one-liner. Try to solve this task without looking at the solution; but after you've finished it, take a peak at it because there's a neat trick explained at the end of the solution.


Select the market cap of companies in position 1st, 100th, 200th, etc.

The S&P500 index contains 500 companies. Create a variable position_companies that contains the market cap of the companies in the positions: * 1st * 100th * 200th * 300th * 400th * 500th

Important! This selection should be done under market_cap. Don't use symbols for this particular activity.


What's the 4th company sorted lexicographically by their symbol?

Use the symbols series to sort the symbols in lexicographical order (ascending). Which company (the name, the index value) appears in the 4th position? Note: the answer is the full company name. For example, the full name of MSFT (Microsoft) is Microsoft Corp., as it appears in the index. The correct answer would be Microsoft Corp.. By the way, Microsoft is definitively NOT the correct answer.


What's the Market Cap of the 7th company (in descending order)?

Using the market_cap series, sort the companies by their symbol in lexicographical order in descending mode and enter the revenue of the 7th company.

Series Practice with S&P Companies' Market CapSeries Practice with S&P Companies' Market Cap
Project Created by

Santiago Basulto

This project is part of

Intro to Pandas for Data Analysis

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